Free Italian Grammar Lessons and Exercises
Beside our Italian language courses Centro Culturale Conero offers free Italian lessons to help you practice your Italian reading, writing and verbal skills. Italian lessons are updated weekly and include grammar, texts, audio, and exercises. Have fun improving your Italian !
Italian Language/Lingua Italiana
Materiali didattici per lezioni di lingua italiana: studia la teoria e fai gli esercizi di grammatica ai livelli principiante (A1/A2), intermedio (B1/B2) e avanzato (C1/C2); migliora il tuo vocabolario e scopri il tuo livello con il nostro test.
Here you can find didactic resources for Italian language lessons divided into different levels: study the theory and do the grammar exercises at beginner (A1/A2), intermediate (B1/B2) and advanced (C1/C2) level; improve your vocabulary and find out your level of Italian language by taking our language test.
Beginners/ Low Intermediate (A1-A2)In this section you can get acquainted with Italian grammar for beginners and low-intermediate students. In addition, you can practice with some exercises.
Upper Intermediate
Italian Culture / Cultura Italiana
Migliora il tuo italiano e arricchisci le tue conoscenze della cultura italiana attraverso la musica, il cinema, la cucina e scopri le abitudini tipiche degli italiani.
Improve your Italian and enrich your knowledge about Italian culture through music, cinema, food and learn about other typical Italian habits.
Improve your Italian and enrich your knowledge about Italian culture through music, cinema, food and learn about other typical Italian habits.
La cucina italianaParlando di cultura italiana è impossibile non dedicare una sezione alla cucina e al cibo. In Italia ogni singola regione ha centinaia di ricette diverse da scoprire...
Speaking about Italian culture, it is impossible not to dedicate a section to Italian FOOD. Italian food culture is extremely rich and variegated: you can find a big number of different recipes from region to region... |
Il cinema italianoIl Cinema italiano ha influenzato diversi movimenti cinematografici in tutto il mondo e molti film italiani si sono aggiudicati premi e riconoscimenti di grande prestigio....
Italian filmmakers and actors have have influenced film movements throughout the world. Italian films have won 14 Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film, the most of any country, as well as 12 Palmes d'Or, the second-most of any country. |
Learn Italian Online / Imparare l'Italiano online
Scopri i nostri corsi online individuali e di gruppo: offriamo corsi interattivi e personalizzati con insegnanti madrelingua qualificati. Le lezioni di italiano si svolgono su Skype o altri software di videoconferenza secondo il vostro orario e comodamente da casa o da dove preferite.
Discover our online individual and group courses: we offer tailor-made courses with qualified native speakers. The Italian lessons take place on Skype or other video conferencing software according to your schedule and comfortably from your home or from anywhere you want.
Discover our online individual and group courses: we offer tailor-made courses with qualified native speakers. The Italian lessons take place on Skype or other video conferencing software according to your schedule and comfortably from your home or from anywhere you want.
Our Italian language school
Il Centro Culturale Conero, la nostra scuola di lingua italiana per stranieri, si trova a Camerano, un paese caratteristico e ricco di storia delle Marche, situato a pochi minuti dalle belle spiagge della Riviera del Conero. Offriamo una vasta scelta di corsi di lingua italiana durante tutto l’anno e varie attività culturali per scoprire la Regione Marche.
Centro Culturale Conero Italian language school is situated in Camerano, in the beautiful Conero Riviera in le Marche. We offer Italian courses tailored to the individual’s requirements all year round and various activities to get to know the area and the Italian culture.
Centro Culturale Conero Italian language school is situated in Camerano, in the beautiful Conero Riviera in le Marche. We offer Italian courses tailored to the individual’s requirements all year round and various activities to get to know the area and the Italian culture.